FPK+ Instruktor
- Bachelor in Software Engineering und Informationssysteme
The FPK+ program in Software Engineering and Information Systems is designed to meet European and...
Kostenlos - Bachelor in Eingebettete Systeme und IoT
The Bachelor’s Degree in Embedded Systems and IoT is a six-semester program that combines theoretical...
Kostenlos - Bachelor-Programm in Informationsmanagement
FPK+ is renowned for its multidisciplinary approach, offering a variety of programs that cater to...
Kostenlos - Bachelor in Cyber-Sicherheit
Our mission is to provide an inclusive and dynamic learning environment that promotes academic excellence,...
Kostenlos - Bachelor in Managementwissenschaften
FPK+ is dedicated to providing a dynamic and supportive learning environment. Our faculty is composed...
Kostenlos - Bachelor in Marketing
Our vision is to be a leading institution in higher education, recognized for our commitment...
Kostenlos - Bachelor in Finanzwesen
FPK+ is a leading educational institution in Tunisia, known for its multidisciplinary approach and commitment...
Kostenlos - Bachelor-Abschluss in Buchhaltung
FPK+ is located in the historic city of Kairouan, renowned for its rich cultural heritage...