FPK+ Instruktor
- Bachelor-Abschluss in Geschäfts- und Handelsintelligenz
Our mission at FPK+ is to cultivate a learning environment that encourages academic excellence, critical...
Kostenlos - Bachelor in Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
FPK+ is a leading institution committed to multidisciplinary education that prepares students for the global...
Kostenlos - Bachelor-Abschluss in Internationalem Handel und Finanzen
Welcome to the Private Multidisciplinary Faculty of Kairouan (FPK+), a leading institution dedicated to providing...
Kostenlos - Bachelor of Science in Geld und Finanzen
The Bachelor of Science in Money and Finance at FPK+ is a cutting-edge program designed...
Kostenlos - Bachelor in Personalmanagement (HRM)
FPK+ is a dynamic and innovative educational institution dedicated to providing high-quality education across multiple...
Kostenlos - Bachelor in Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI)
Our mission is to cultivate excellence in education, foster innovation, and support the development of...